Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 minutes
Credit: Dolci Frutta
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 2 minutes
Credit: Dolci Frutta
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PREPARING THE BERRIES Wash strawberries, blot dry with paper towel and allow to thoroughly air dry. While they are drying, insert a toothpick into each berry through the crown.MELTING THE WAFERS Melt Dolci frutta wafers in their microwaveable container at 1/2 power (medium). Stir at 30-second intervals during microwaving until Dolci frutta is fully melted and smooth—about 2 minutes. IMPORTANT: melted wafers retain their shape until stirred. DO NOT boil or overheat! Chocolate should only be about 105°F (just warm to the touch) for good dipping consistency.
TAKING THE PLUNGE Holding a berry by the toothpick, dip it about 3/4 of the way into the Dolci frutta. After dipping, pause for a second to allow any excess chocolate to drip back into the bowl. With a twist of the wrist, turn the chocolate-coated strawberry upside-down and insert the toothpick into the styrofoam. Additional wafers can be added and the Dolci frutta mixture reheated if it cools too much.