Market Street Health and Wellness
28 Day Challenge: Week One
It’s a New Year, can you believe it?! The holidays were a whirlwind of parties, shopping, eating, drinking, and everything merry. But after the jam-packed days of December, I think we’re all longing for a little bit of consistency, especially when it comes to food. With the start of January comes the age-old tradition of New Year’s Resolutions. Whether it be to exercise more, …
Dietitian Spotlight: Salmon Skewers
Skewers can be a fun way to combine meat and vegetables, but have you tried making skewers with fish, such as salmon? Rainbow salmon skewers are packed with flavor and nutrition, making them a delicious dinner option or the perfect party food.
Salmon is a protein that is both flavorful and also a great source of omega-3 fats, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. …
Hey There, 2017!
Indulge in one last feast and ring in the new year deliciously. We have all the food, drink and fun you need to host your midnight party! Not hosting this year? Stop in for our quick grab-and-go options and be on your way - you can even take the credit, we don't mind.
1) Texas Brownies
2) Imported Cheese Trays
3) Our Famous Market Street Chips and Dips
4) Bakery …
A Pleasant Little Christmas Menu
Post and images by guest blogger, Rebecca White, of A Pleasant Little Kitchen.
Visit her full blog or find out more about her here.
Lets be honest. Christmas dinner for many families is kinda like Thanksgiving Repeat. Turkey (or ham), potatoes, gravy, casserole such-and-such... and then pies.
Since this exact meal was cooked a few weeks prior, it's not surprising …
Dietitian Spotlight: Slow Cooker Southwestern Chowder
Do you ever feel like you are running in a million different directions during the holiday months? It seems as though there is always somewhere to be, something to buy, and something to wrap. As a result, having time to prep and cook food can fall by the wayside. However, we believe that consuming foods that are nutritious and filling during these busy holiday months should …
Dietitian Spotlight: Hamburger Minestrone Soup
There is nothing like a warm cup of soup on a chilly night. But, sometimes the canned version just doesn’t cut it. Besides, canned soups are often overloaded with salt, so why not make your own?
This Hamburger Minestrone Soup is full of protein from the meat and beans, as well as lots of fiber from the vegetables, beans and whole grain pasta! And since December is Color …
Pork Sugo
Post and images by guest blogger, Rebecca White, of A Pleasant Little Kitchen.
Visit her full blog or find out more about her here.
Pork Sauce.
"Ummm, pork sauce?"
You might be confused. Let me rephrase it.
Pork Sugo, it's Italian for awesome.
Let me help you out. Pork Sugo is an Italian meal of pork shoulder that has been slow cooked with tomatoes. The result …
Broiled Eggs with Goat Cheese and Arugula
Post and images by guest blogger, Rebecca White, of A Pleasant Little Kitchen.
Visit her full blog or find out more about her here.
My first introduction to baked eggs was from Ina Garten. The ease of the recipe was appealing and the flavors were everything I craved. When I wanted to impress guests at breakfast, I would make her creation.
It was an addictive …
Dietitian Spotlight: Cauliflower Fried Rice
Pineapple Paleo Cauliflower Fried Rice is a quick, easy and healthy recipe that you can have on the table in about 15 minutes. This new spin on fried rice makes it easy to watch your weight this holiday season.
Cauliflower fried rice trades out the traditional white rice for riced cauliflower, which adds an extra serving of veggies as well as a nutritional boost. Using riced …
Coffee Cake Muffins
Post and images by guest blogger, Rebecca White, of A Pleasant Little Kitchen.
Visit her full blog or find out more about her here.
My children get a lot more excited when I'm baking then when I'm cooking.
Even in their young years they know baking = treats, while cooking = dinner.
When I cook, I don't get as many assistants. When I bake, both little bodies want to …